Astonishing Tales #27 / Mark Jewelers Variant (1974) Graded a 4.0 by CBCS
This is a copy of Astonishing Tales #27 published by Marvel in 1974. This is a Mark Jewelers variant with the coupon attached inside. Cover art by Rich Buckler. Dead Reckoning!, script by Rich Buckler (Concept; Plot; Script) and Doug Moench (Plot), pencils by Rich Buckler, inks by Pablo Marcos.
Deathlok fights the War-Wolf, but he holds back because he believes that Mike Travers mind is in the War-Wolf's body; Only after Major Stryker tells him that Mike died on the operating table (not true) does he fight for keeps and defeat the War-Wolf.
Grading Specs
This is a graded comic book that has been appraised by Comic Book Certification Services. Comes wrapped in soft plastic poly-bag from CBCS.
Book Label Number (for Grading Notes): 22-04D9363-005
The CBCS label lists all the information about the book such as title, issue number, publisher, artist information, key comments and more. The label also includes very specific information about the particular copy that was submitted, including the assigned numerical grade as well as pedigree, variant, signatures, tape, missing pages, restoration, and any other pertinent information.
The book is sealed into archival safe inner holder along with the CBCS label. Book comes in CBCS’s, tamper evident outer case.